MR-HDV2BCLA,MR-HDV2BCLB Volt meter 2S Balance Charging Lead Type A[Left Side] for Hybrid Touch DUO ï³?«á?«¿Üõ2«»«ë?«Ð«é«ó«µ?õöﳫ³?«É?
This product is the Volt meter 2S Balance Charging Lead for Hybrid Touch DUO.
Also, You can use other chargers with the same charging lead type.

MR-HDV2BCLA,MR-HDV2BCLB Volt meter 2S Balance Charging Lead Type A[Left Side] for Hybrid Touch DUO ï³?«á?«¿Üõ2«»«ë?«Ð«é«ó«µ?õöﳫ³?«É?
Type A is left side used (CH1)
Type B is right side used (CH2)

( Each product is sold individually )

MR-HDV2BCLA,MR-HDV2BCLB Volt meter 2S Balance Charging Lead Type A[Left Side] for Hybrid Touch DUO ï³?«á?«¿Üõ2«»«ë?«Ð«é«ó«µ?õöﳫ³?«É?
Battery voltage can be checked real time.

MR-HDV2BCLA,MR-HDV2BCLB Volt meter 2S Balance Charging Lead Type A[Left Side] for Hybrid Touch DUO ï³?«á?«¿Üõ2«»«ë?«Ð«é«ó«µ?õöﳫ³?«É?
You can check the current battery voltage without the charging.