Combined with a 10x6 E-prop this motor can push out over 1000g in thrust on a 3S1P configuration lipo.
Good for bigger foamies or parkflyers where about 150W is required.

Kv: 1050rpm/v
Operating Current: 6A ~ 16A
Peak Current: 19A
Weight: 56g
Dimensions: 27.6 x 32mm
Shaft Size: 3.175mm

Kit includes full accessories, including gold bullet connectors, prop saver, mount, spare rubber rings, shrink tube and screws.

Performance Data   
Voltage   Current   Prop    Thrust
11.1V      8.6A      8040    538g
11.1V      13.7A    9050    810g
11.1V      16.7A    1060    650g


Kv (rpm/v) 1050
Weight (g) 56
Max Current (A) 19
Resistance (mh) 0
Max Voltage (V) 11
Power(W) 0
Shaft A (mm) 3.175
Length B (mm) 30
Diameter C (mm) 28
Can Length D (mm) 17
Total Length E (mm) 46