SW-B6K Sweep 6ix Pak 1:8 buggy wheel Black 4pcs



Here is bigger Muscle power with lighter weight!

Our all new 83mm 6ix-Pak is made for the ever growing 8th GT, 8th scale buggy with a 17mm Hex.
made out of indestructible Virgin Dupont¢ç nylon, same as our V2 dish wheels.

Few high lights of our new 6ix-Pak wheel
Lightened spoke design
Special cavity design preventing wheel nuts backing off
Rougher surface finish on the gluing surfaces for easier assembly
Gloss finish on the inside of the wheels for less mud pack
In-style look
Available in Black, White and Yellow
SW-B6W Sweep 6ix Pak 1:8 buggy wheel White 4pcs
SW-B6Y Sweep 6ix Pak 1:8 buggy wheel Yellow 4pcs
SW-B6K Sweep 6ix Pak 1:8 buggy wheel Black 4pc