59 in Wingspan:757 sq in Wing Area:51 in Length:6¨ö to 7 lbs Weight:4 to 5-Ch, 5-Servo Radio:.40 to .46 Engine 2C:.52 to .70 Engine 4C:FEATURES
After only 12 to 15 hours in the workshop, you emerge with a model equal to any expertly built kit. That's one advantage of the Great Planes' almost-ready-to-fly big stik—their huge leap forward in pre-built quality. Great Planes combines the original Big Stik plans, a proven design, with the best modern model-making technology. Big Stik ARFs go together so easily, you won't be afraid to fly them — only 12 to 15 hours are required for assembly. The superior construction quality, featuring high-quality woods and MonoKote film, provides the strength to handle aggressive aerobatics. These ARF's enlarged control surfaces improve their ability to handle 3D aerobatics. Dual aileron servos add precision and authority to aileron response for crisp maneuvers—and also provide the safety of a backup in case one servo fails.